Coaching done properly involves utilising a range of skills and approaches introduced to the client at the right time.
My training includes the following coaching modalities: Cognitive Behavioural Coaching • Mindful Coaching • Mindsets of Wellness • Journaling for Wellness • Vibrational Energy • Visualisation and Imagery • Understanding the Stress Body Link • General Psychological Strategies and Concepts • Lifestyle Application – Work and Meaning • Communication and Social Wellbeing • Environmental Wellbeing • The Psychospiritual • Nature Based Healing • Mood Food • Relaxation Skills
Rob Wicke
I'm an enthusiastic wellness coach based in north-east Somerset. I believe everyone has a story to tell, and how we tell it can affect our health, conversely our health can affect how we tell our story! It's worth emphasising this... we can take control of our story and improve our health! As a coach I help you to do this, along with other top tools to improve our mind and body.
My particular health story goes like this: When I was 20 years old and a bit frustrated with life, I decided to go on an adventure around the world. My first stop was Delhi, in the vibrant expanse of India. I left the crisp late autumn of England and arrived in the heat of the day, my pale skin exposed to the 35-degree sun and my jet-lagged head spinning in the hustle and bustle of this busy city. It was one of the most incredibly jolting and eye-opening moments of my short life and I was overawed and exhilerated.
Making the experience even more impactful was the large and heavy bag I was carrying on my back, and the large and heavy bag I was carrying on my front. What was special about the one on the front was that it was lovingly packed by my mum... containing tins and packages of all kinds of food, as well as my winter clothes for when I was in New Zealand 8 months later.
I was hot and tired, and just so grateful to finally put the bags down and sit in the aircon of my hotel. I had a vision of my journey ahead dragging these bags around Asia, sweating away, bumping into people and things and not enjoying myself much. I made a decision there and then that I needed to lighten the load. It was such a liberating moment. The next day I donated the bag of supplies to the hotel staff, who were delighted, and later that day invited me into the kitchen where I had the honour of watching around twenty wide-eyed and excited staff members opening the tins and packages of food and tasting, laughing, pulling faces and just having so much fun trying new tastes and textures!
For me, the whole trip was a taste of freedom, the opportunity to take the weight off and explore who I was and what mattered to me. In various ways I've been going through that process the twenty plus years of my adult life; learning deeper lessons, putting down the baggage that's not working for me, even if it's been given me out of another's kindness, and seeing what remains; who I am and what I'm capable of.
For example, In my 30's, I went through a health challenge where I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and condemned to a life of pain and decay. I chose to cope by ignoring it (didn't work), medicating it (worked sometimes), and then accepting it and working with it... which helped a lot, not necessarily by changing the pain and decay, but definitely by reframing how I approach life - putting down the baggage of my limiting thoughts. In the process I learnt so much about my mind, body, capabilities, the stories I tell myself that help, and the stories that hold me back. It's what's inspired me to become a coach and support others with their journeys.
Over the 17+ years spent in community development I've crafted a unique style of coaching and mentoring, and have supported hundreds of people to make positive changes along the way! I'm currently super-charging my approach with an Integrated Diploma in Holistic Wellness Coaching (equivalent of QCF Level 5).
My commitment to you is to use the tools, skills and energy in my power to make your coaching sessions as impactful as possible, and help you get the results you want.
In our session you will find me to be calm and centred, ready to encourage and challenge you, and support you to get where you're going! I love the process so much, and hope you will too!

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Member of The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists - Member ID #2564
Member of The National Association of Care & Support Workers - Member ID NCS13198